She opened her eyes!
She squeezed Rachel’s hand.
She’s totally overwhelmed by the number of people clamoring to see her!
We’re trying to slowly bring people in, only one person at a time, etc. She’s a fighter, but I bet this is completely confusing and overwhelming too.
Megan had MRI and CAT scans today to assess any damage to her brain. We are waiting on the results and will likely get them tomorrow.
Vaila and Leif had ultrasounds today. Vaila has a little bleeding/fluid on her brain stem, the doctors said it is not abnormal for babies of this age, they are monitoring it and will put in a shunt if needed. They were able to pump some breast milk from Megan which the twins will be able to get.
Megan loves being a momma.
Breast milk is especially important for preemies (and all babies). If we weren’t able to get breast milk from Megan, the hospital has donor milk. This donor milk is screened and often comes from mothers of NICU graduates. Breast feeding is extremely important to Megan–she’s a huge advocate for breast feeding until your child is two. Not every mother is able to breast feed, for myriad reasons (illness such as this, past illness, economic situations and jobs that don’t make it possible, etc). If you are a mother who is able to donate, you might consider finding a local charity to donate your extra breast milk for babies and families in need. Just Google, there are a lot of out there, and I don’t have time right now to make a recommendation.