One of the best parts of working at CHIEF is the value placed on breaking traditional practice area silos—on a practical level this means we spend a lot of time collaborating, teaching and learning new skills. There is a omnipresent view that we should be continuously evolving, applying our unique backgrounds to new skills and adapting processes.
CHIEF's Work with Groom Wins Honors at the Webby Awards
Who doesn’t love a big reveal? At CHIEF we live to see the reactions on our clients faces when we present new ways of reimagining their brand. Whether it’s a logo refresh, an updated content hierarchy or a full blown website redesign, we pride ourselves on not only delivering beautiful web experiences—but ones that grow business and amplify impact.
Incredible progress
It’s been a year.
My sister is an incredible person. When you grow up so close in age there isn’t a scar, a broken heart or story your sister doesn’t know. They’re the keeper of your life story, your secrets, and you them. I have never been so scared as I was a year ago. So scared to lose my person, to lose that bond, those shared stories and laughs.
#GoParks and CHIEF Go For Gold
When the work is personal, everyone can tell. And boy did the judges at AAF DC’s 57th annual Addy Awards Show take notice.
Hopeful for Recovery
Doing well
Making Progress
Progress Not Measured in Days
My sweet, Vaila
Sweet Vaila, my heart breaks.
My heart breaks for your dad. No father should have to experience this. He’s already going through so much.
My heart breaks for Megan. A pain no mother should ever know. She wanted a little girl named Vaila for so long. So long. She was looking forward to meeting you. The hell you’d give your brothers. To the mischief you’d probably get into. For the bond of mother and daughter.
My heart breaks for our family. We’d just gotten to know you. Alex and I were so smitten. So excited to buy you science and engineer princess dresses. For your visits to DC. The adventures we’d have.
My heart breaks for the incredible future you had in front of you. For your life, cut too short.
Tiny Vaila
Miracle Megan
She knows we're here.
Turning a corner
She’s off all the blood pressure medication!
Megan is being slowly weaned off the paralytic and other medicines. Her kidneys are solid (great news considering all they’ve been through). She received more blood, we had hoped she was done needing blood, but this isn’t terrible (again, given all she’s been through) and they don’t think she’ll need anymore.